Familly problems

What is family and martial life:

                   Marriages are made in heaven; we at India strongly believe it. However in certain case it seems the formula does not work out. In today’s date due to various reasons like hectic pace, couples and families often experience high levels of stress we often develop marital and family problem. If this problem will persist for long the relationship will be spoiled ultimately both will be a victim of psychological problem.
                   But at Neha counseling and psychotherapy center we will make an obstacle to it and here we will make sure none of our patient will go through psychological problem. Our in house and experienced therapist will make sure there will be no psychological problem for any of our patients.

Common psychological problems:

                   Here are some of the sign and symptom of marital and family psychological problems, have a look:
high levels of conflict or tension
difficulty in making decisions both partners can support
mixed feelings about continuing in the relationship
loss of employment
financial problems and difficulty agreeing about finances
dealing with the problems a child may be having
sexual dissatisfaction
an extra-marital affair
depression or other emotional problems of one or both partners
a child’s problems in school
difficulty setting limits for children
caring for a child with special needs
siblings whose difficulty getting along disturbs the family’s functioning
the illness of a family member
supporting elderly family members
the death of a family member or loved one
addiction of a family member

How can we help:

                   If any of patient has reported at Neha counseling and psychotherapy center with the problem of Material, problems with mother in law and other family problem we will make sure that the patient will get rid of the mental illness with the least possible time. We have very good bench strength of hypnotist, psychotherapist and psychologist and with their aid we will make sure our entire patient will live a healthy family life.

After coming across above aspects, we are pretty sure that we will not make any stone unturned to have a happy family life. However in case of development of any problem in your family life, please do contact us in the below form. And we will make sure that you will live a happy and healthy life.

Contact Us

Note : Psychologist Will Contact You, after submiting inquiry


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